Birth of Maarifa

Birth of Maarifa

Fragment #2

3112 – “The Merge”

From Core to Omni-Core

It was a typical day in the lab, with Satoshi and his team working on their latest experiment, when suddenly something went wrong, or too right.



There was a bright flash of light and a loud explosion, and when Satoshi came to, he found himself surrounded by strange astral artifacts. As he looked around in disbelief, there were strange, otherworldly objects floating all around the lab, and he could feel a sense of immense power and knowledge emanating from every corner of this expanding vast space.

Among the myriad of floating objects, one in particular caught his eye. It was an artifact, resting on his desk, that hadn’t been there before. It was a strange, intricate device, seemingly out of place in the otherwise familiar setting of his lab.

A strange artifact on Satoshi Rackic's desk

Its surface was etched with strange symbols that Satoshi didn’t recognize, but somehow felt he understood.

Rather than standing up, Satoshi remained seated, his attention all diverted towards the peculiar artifact. He reached out cautiously, his hand hovering over the object. A sense of anticipation filled the air, the hum of energy in the room seeming to grow louder. 

Satoshi, still seated, took a moment to gather his thoughts. He was in an unfamiliar daze, yet he felt a strange sense of calm. He looked at the artifact on his desk, its glow casting an ethereal purple light in the vast expanse around him.

As Satoshi reached out to the artifact, a voice echoed through the vast expanse, pulling him from his reverie. “Father, be careful,” Mila Rakic cautioned, her voice filled with concern.

Mila Rakic showing concern for Satoshi Rakic

Satoshi turned to see his daughter, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the artifact. Beside her stood Howard Potts, his eyes wide with curiosity, and Alicia Bartholomew, her gaze fixed on the artifact with an intensity that matched Satoshi’s own.

“I know, Mila,” Satoshi replied, his hand hovering over the artifact. “But this… this could change everything. The knowledge we could gain, the advancements we could make… it’s worth the risk.”

“But we don’t know what it does, Father,” Mila argued, her brow furrowed in worry. “We don’t know what could happen if you touch it.”

Satoshi looked at his daughter, his gaze softening. “I understand your concern, Mila,” he said gently. “But this is a risk I’m willing to take. For us, for humanity, for knowledge.”



He turned back to the artifact, his hand closing around it. As the rush of information flooded his mind, he heard Mila’s sharp intake of breath, followed by the stunned silence of his team. “Wow!” he breathed, his eyes wide with awe. “The possibilities… they’re endless. We could learn so much, achieve so much…” With a final glance at the artifact, Satoshi stood up, a determined look on his face. 

“This… this is beyond anything I could have imagined,” he murmured, his eyes never leaving the artifact. “It’s as if I’ve been granted access to the universe’s library!” He reached out, his fingers brushing against the artifact. It pulsed under his touch, a warm, inviting glow. Satoshi held the artifact out to his team, his gaze steady.

Satoshi Rakic holding the strange artifact towards his team

“I want each of you to experience this,” he said. “I believe this artifact is a tool of some sort. I’m not sure but it seems to be a mirror reflecting our own potential.”

Howard Potts was the first to step forward, his hand shaking slightly as he reached out to touch the artifact. His eyes widened, and he let out a low whistle. “Interesting,” he murmured. “I see… equations, data streams, patterns… It’s like the universe is revealing its code to me.”

Next was Alicia Bartholomew. As her fingers brushed the artifact, her eyes lit up with a fierce intensity.

TracverseAlicia BartholomewMaarifa scene

“Astounding,” she breathed. “I see celestial bodies, galaxies, the very fabric of space-time… It’s as if I’m looking at the universe from a whole new perspective.”

Finally, it was Mila’s turn. She hesitated for a moment, then reached out to touch the artifact. A soft gasp escaped her lips, and she looked at her father with wide eyes. “It’s… it’s beautiful,” she said. “I see… people, connections, emotions… It’s like I can see the very essence of humanity.”

Satoshi nodded, a proud smile on his face. “This artifact seems to show us knowledge…” he said. “It shows us possibilities, potential, maybe even the future? Can we use it show us what we can become?!”

Satoshi reclaimed the artifact from Mila and returned to his desk. The air seemed to hum with energy, and he could see shimmering, ethereal shapes shifting and merging in the distance. He knew, without understanding how, that he was in a place where the very fabric of reality was woven from knowledge itself.

As he ventured further with his mind, Satoshi noticed that each floating object represented a specific piece of information or concept, and these astral objects seemed to be connected by an intricate web of threads, forming a colossal, ever-growing network.

Intrigued, Satoshi grasped one of these objects, and in an instant, the knowledge it contained flooded his mind.

Satoshi realized that his current realm transcended time and space – a knowledge dimension. Curious and excited, Satoshi began to explore this new world, learning from touching all the objects around him with his mind, and finding answers to questions he had never even thought to ask. With each hour spent interacting with the strange artifact, his knowledge and understanding of the universe expanded exponentially.

At the seventh hour he discovered something truly extraordinary. He heard a strange voice muttering words he could not understand from one of the astral objects. As he touched it, a blinding and bright light flashed, overwhelming everyone in the lab. Unknowingly, he had initiated an event that one could only ever of dreamed of: The Merge. Satoshi had somehow managed to merge all of the different realities and timelines into a single, unified whole, creating an Omniverse unlike any other. Stunned by his discovery, Satoshi began to explain his new found understanding to the team.



As Satoshi was about to speak, the artifact in his hand suddenly dimmed, its once vibrant glow fading to a dull, lifeless gray. He turned it over in his hands, but it remained unresponsive. The room fell silent, the team staring at the now inert artifact in disbelief.

Satoshi frowned, his brow furrowing in concern. “That’s… unexpected,” he said, his voice echoing in the sudden silence. Mila stepped forward, reaching out to touch the artifact again. “It’s… it’s cold,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Like it’s… shut down.”

Howard Potts, ever the analyst, was already pulling up data on his screen, his fingers flying over the keys. “I’m not getting any readings,” he said, his voice lightly spoke. “It’s like it’s… dead.” Alicia Bartholomew was staring at the artifact. “But… but why?” she asked. “What happened?”

Satoshi shook his head, his gaze never leaving the artifact. “I don’t know,” he said quietly. “But we’re going to find out. This is just the beginning. I’ve glimpsed the potential within this artifact, we won’t stop until we’ve unlocked its secrets.”

Satoshi, still reeling from his journey within the knowledge realm, took a moment to share his experiences with the team. He described the intricate web of information he had encountered, the way he could manipulate it to create new insights, and the profound understanding he had gained. His words filled the room, painting a vivid picture of a dimension where knowledge was the very fabric of reality.

The team listened intently, their minds racing to comprehend the implications of Satoshi’s words. The room buzzed with excitement, questions, and discussions as they began to grasp the enormity of what had just occurred.

In the midst of this fervor, Satoshi suggested they step outside. The team followed him, their curiosity piqued. As they stepped out into the open, they were greeted by a sight that left them breathless. The sky, once familiar, was now a canvas of unknown planets and stars. Earth’s timeline remained unchanged, but it was now surrounded by thousands of planets from different dimensions and realities.

While the sight was overwhelming, it also filled them with a sense of wonder and purpose. The Kuvukas, urged by the Rakics, had began considering the possibilities of exploring this new realm. They developed advanced technologies that allowed them to travel more efficiently throughout nearby planets and communicate with the beings they encountered.

Some of these beings were remnants of timelines and dimensions long lost, while others were entirely new, possessing knowledge and abilities beyond human comprehension. Together, the Kuvuka and their newfound allies built a network of interconnected libraries, laboratories, and academies throughout Maarifa, all dedicated to the pursuit and sharing of knowledge.

These institutions, known as “Chapters”, became the gathering places for the most brilliant minds from countless realities. Here, they shared their insights, collaborated on groundbreaking research, and expanded the collective understanding of existence.

Through their collaboration with other beings, they uncovered groundbreaking techniques to slow down aging, enhance cognitive abilities, and even transfer consciousness between android bodies. All of this knowledge stored within the Omni-Core and shared with those who have the right Kuvuka bio-interface.

This marked the birth of the Maarifa as we know it today.